Streamlined CEO

Redefining Processes: Out with the Tedious, In with the Thrilling

Karalee Gault Episode 18

Ready to turn tedious tasks into thrilling triumphs? Welcome to our lively discussion, where we promise to transform your view on processes and guide you to make them not only efficient but also fun! We'll start by unearthing the foundation of a process - a series of actions or steps - and then we’ll take you on a joyride of making them enjoyable. 

We'll also offer tips on making processes enjoyable - imagine a rewarding system where you cheer yourself at the end of a process. Come, join us as we unfold our unique approach to processes, lacing them with efficiency and enjoyment!

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Speaker 1:

Hello, hello, amazing humans, welcome back to Neurodivergent Bytes. I am your host, Karalee, and today we're going to be talking about processes, and we're going to jump right into this and go ahead and look at the actual definition of a process, literally straight from Google. Here we have a process, which is a noun here a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end. Okay, so it's literally just steps. It's a process like one, two, three, four, five, you know. How do you stick to these processes that you've created in your life and in your business? Okay? So that is the question that I got asked how do I stick to the processes? Okay, how do you stick to doing things in the order that they should be done in, like one, two, three, four, five, instead of doing them one, four, five you know six, because we like to throw random things in there and you know, going back to three, you know those types of things. How do we do them in order? Okay? So this is what I think is this person is really asking how can I make processes right, these boring, mundane things? How can I make them exciting? They're boring. I want to switch them up because they're boring. They're not fun, right? So, really, what I believe this person was asking me is how do I make these processes fun? Well, you're in the right place, if that was actually your question, because, morgan, I'm going to talk to you today about how to make processes fun.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so, for one, you have to have your baseline, your foundation of how in the world you even do this thing. What are the actions and steps that go into this process? Okay, so, for the sake of this episode, we're going to talk about the process of creating a real. Okay, we're going to talk about the process of creating a real. Now, are there different ways that you can do this? Yes, why? Because of different software, different types of reels, you know different ways that you're going to store them or schedule them or post them. Right, there are different steps to this process.

Speaker 1:

So what we need is is how do you want to do this process? How do you want to record this real? How do you want to store this real? Okay, a lot of times, we're actually sticking to processes that don't serve us, and so that's what also makes us not want to follow them, because we're like, oh well, if I have to do it this way, then no, and then we have pushback right In our own minds, in our own bodies, but sometimes right. So I want you to do this as an exercise for a process that you are struggling to either follow or you want to put into place. I need you to go. How do I do this? Right, just start writing it down. You can number it, you can just like brain dump it, like throw it all on a piece of paper and we can make sense of it later. All right, so that's what you have to have. You have to have a starting point.

Speaker 1:

So for a process, for a real, you can't edit it before you record it. So there are some times where you're like things have to go in certain steps, but there are some that can be interchangeable, for example, like three and four might be able to be interchangeable depending on XYZ. So let's say you have to have the idea for the real first, whether that's finding trending audio, whether that's just educational. So you're just writing up a script or something. So you have to have the material before you can even record it. So like then you're gonna record it.

Speaker 1:

What does that look like? Are you using your computer? Are you using your phone, are you going to a certain place? Where are you recording this? Then you have to actually record it right. Then you edit it If you need to edit it.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes you don't need to edit things. I edit almost everything, though, because the magic is in the editing is what I always say, not because I don't wanna be real, but because it makes it like short and sweet is why I edit things right. Then, after you edit it, then you have to decide do I need to put any more captions on it or put any captions, words, audio, any more? Audio Like what else do I need to put in there? Now, after I'm done doing that part of the process like now, do I? Am I scheduling it to post? Am I posting it on a certain day? Am I just storing it for later? Like there are so many different steps and processes that I can see how you're like. Oh my gosh, like it's all over the place, all right. Now, before I confuse you some more or overwhelm you, I just took you through a process of creating a reel.

Speaker 1:

Now you can make it super simple, get content or write script right, film, edit, post. Okay, make it simple, and then you can break it down some more, like I just did when I explained this to you, right? So see what steps are interchangeable and see what steps aren't. And to help your brain follow the process, you need to write it out in a way you understand that certain steps can be interchangeable, like I'm picturing in my brain as I'm explaining this since this is a podcast, after all, not a video podcast is that like I have step one and then, like steps two and three are interchangeable, so like they're on top of each other, right, like in this timeline, but they're on top of each other? You know what I mean. Like so, something like that. Like write it out like that, if you're a visual person, for sure, or like you know indented tablet, you know if you're writing it out on a document, things like that. So make it to where it can be flexible, so that way you can switch it up every once in a while and you're not like thinking that you're not following the process right Now.

Speaker 1:

How do we make this fun? Okay, cause that was definitely a thing that I definitely wanted to address. How do I make it fun? Okay, you come up in the example of the real, you come up with things that you want to record, you want to have fun with, okay. Now there might be some other processes that you have to do in your business or in your life that you're like I don't even like. None of this is fun. See if you even have to do it, okay. See if you can tweak it to make it more fun. See if you can reward yourself in the end, you know. See if you can switch it up a little bit or outsource it or something like that. Okay, Create fun from it. Okay, create fun with it.

Speaker 1:

I used to hate reels, hate social media, and now I have fun with it because I make it work for me. I only put in things that I find fun, just like this podcast. I started this podcast because I wanted to reach more people, because I was like I would rather do a podcast than a video like platform. Now I do have a YouTube channel. You can go check out my YouTube channel if you want some more hands-on things. But, like, I wanted it to be diversified because it was fun and I can talk about whatever I want on this podcast. So this is like my creative outlet, a part of my marketing process. Okay, my marketing system, things like that. So you just have to make it work for you.

Speaker 1:

And so many people are like I don't know what that means, I don't know how to do that, and that's where I can come in. Okay, I have such a systems-oriented, like problem-solving let's make it fun, make it work for your brain sort of like take on life that you could literally bring this thing that you're like I need to make this more fun. I need to like actually wanna do this and I can make it fun for you. Like I actually have fun doing my books now, like my business books. Now am I currently avoiding them? Yes, but we're not gonna talk about that. But that's like hashtag real life right there. But I still have fun when I actually go in there. I just have to get myself started on that one.

Speaker 1:

So sticking to processes is all about your mindset and how much fun you can have with it. Okay, our minds are very powerful. So when you sit down and you're like, okay, I can switch these little parts up and I can decide if I want to do this one or this one first, and I'm gonna also get a cupcake when I'm done and you can tell I want a cupcake. I have cupcakes upstairs. We need to just make it fun, okay.

Speaker 1:

And If? If you were like I just need someone to sit down, like I don't know, even know what processes I need or systems I need, or like I don't even know how to document this stuff, I don't know how, okay, just I don't know, that is totally an okay thought. All right, I witness you in this, because this used to be me at one point in time, and so I feel this on a very deep level, and so if you're like I don't know, I just I don't know Then we need to chat. Okay, there are a few ways that you can, that we can chat, okay, a few ways that we can work together, and so go ahead and just like head to the show notes. Look at some of those options.

Speaker 1:

What would really be game changer for you, though, is gonna be a VIP week, and that's because it's literally set up for, as a process, for your brain to be able to get the most Effective support that you can when it comes to implementing processes and systems and making sense of how you're going to run your business In life, right, so that you can get your desired outcome. Okay, for the record, processes are parts of systems. Right, systems is the big umbrella that we have processes and we've got steps and you know and things like that. It's kind of like the hierarchy of In the systems world here. Okay, so if you have any questions, totally I want you to follow me on the social media platforms. You can find those below as well. Reach out to me in the DMs. Just get a vibe like let's chat, let's see what will work best for you, let's get you the support you need to really be able to stick to these things. There are so many things here.

Speaker 1:

I am an accountability coach for a reason. Okay, we get the systems in place and then we actually use the accountability to actually ensure that you're actually using them in the way that they are supposed to be used. And if they're not working, then we freakin do something about it. We don't just like. We don't just say like your brain is messed up or something like no, the systems are supposed to work for your brain, not the other way around, and they're not working. That means we have to refine them. So, yeah, that's what we do in a VIP weekend. They'd pretty much any. Any time you work with me like we make massive change in up level things, because we're gonna make sure that Things are working for your brain and that things are feeling good in an alignment to you.

Speaker 1:

All right, that's all for today. This is a longer episode, but I feel really good about it. So if you haven't subscribed yet, totally subscribe. Leave me a review if you're feeling called to. But either way, I'm gonna drop one new episode every single freakin week. That's gonna support you In this systems world and in your business, things like that. Okay, so I hope to see you next time, head to the show notes and see what sticks out to you. I would love to hear from you. Bye, for now, you.