Streamlined CEO

From Chaos to Clockwork: Revolutionizing Business Operations with ClickUp

Karalee Gault Season 1 Episode 44

Are your business operations as smooth and efficient as you want them to be? Step into the world of ClickUp with me, where we tackle the nitty-gritty of organization. In today's chat, I'll take you behind the scenes of a client's transformation, showcasing how a custom ClickUp template turned their launch process from chaos to clockwork. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. We also zoom in on podcasters, revealing how ClickUp can serve as the ultimate command center for everything from scripting to hitting publish. Imagine tracking your long-term projects, revenue, and daily to-dos, all while fostering team collaboration—and yes, it's as good as it sounds!

My journey as an executive assistant has been nothing short of a love affair with organizing, and ClickUp is my partner in crime. It's the secret weapon that allows me to schedule client encounters with precision, giving them the headspace to pour into their passions instead of sweating the small stuff. In this heart-to-heart, I share the joy of bringing order to entrepreneurs' lives, liberating them from the shackles of disarray. And here's something to get your ears perked up: next week, I'm dropping a bombshell that you won't want to miss. Plus, get a sneak peek at how you can join us for an exclusive ClickUp VIP week to skyrocket your business's organizational prowess. Join me, and let's get you aligned with the organized groove that's just waiting for you.

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Hello, hello, I'm your host, Karalee, and today we're going to get real and practical even more than usual. Okay, so I am talking all about how I use ClickUp in a practical sense and how this can support you in becoming a streamlined CEO. Okay, so we're going to talk about two decently common things that you might relate to, and the first one is going to be launching. So let's talk about how my clients use ClickUp for launching, as well as myself. All right, so I'm actually in the middle of a ClickUp VIP week launch and I use ClickUp to plan out all of this launch, so keeping things tidy and in one space. Now this is actually a new offer, so I'm still in the process of templatizing this specific offer launch. But just last November, I helped a client templatize her offer launch inside of ClickUp, so it's more like a ransom repeat sort of scenario now, instead of starting from scratch each time, she just used that template I created, and things have been so much smoother this time around for her and her team. So you can store entire launch plans inside of ClickUp to support you in all phases of the launch Okay, from start to finish. You know everything in between. So using it for launches makes things so game changer, because it's all together, all planned out, all the things, super simple, okay.


So the second thing that you might relate to, especially if you are a fellow podcaster we're going to switch gears to podcasting. I'm talking to you, right? The fellow podcasters have their own podcast. Like how do you ensure you have episodes ready to go live on time? I actually want to know all of your tips. I could be the most organized person and still wait till the very last night to record a podcast. Hello, hi, I'm the problem it's me that that's happening right now. Anyway, let's go back to the episode. But you can still have a successful podcast and a successful ClickUp, using ClickUp successfully, and still wait till the last minute to be able to get some things done. That's probably my ADHD kicking in and the crazy busy week I've had, but you know what the systems that are in place, which I'm going to tell you about here in a minute, are what saves me in the end.


Okay, so one of my favorite things to keep track of is my whole podcast and repurposing process. I'm talking the whole process, all the way from writing the script, recording, editing the whole thing right, all the way to posting the actual podcast and getting all the social media and all that things, all those, all those things out. Okay, so it's all organized in ClickUp. Basically, it's like a really magnificence, magnificently simple SOP that me and my team follow and then any clients in our team follow as well. But I have this podcast which, by the way, there is a little surprise coming next week, so make sure you tune in next week for that fun surprise. But it's all mapped out in ClickUp, the whole podcast, where myself and my team work together to give you this podcast and create amazing content from it as well. So, in case you didn't know, we actually do offer this podcast editing and repurposing packages so that we can do this for you and you get to be as involved in the process as you desire. So that means you get to write your scripts, record and then you can let us take the reins from there. Like, wouldn't that be game changer? That's actually what I've done with my own podcast. Myvas actually really run this part of the agency. So awesome, awesome. So you can see this whole podcast.


The repurposing strategy has a lot of moving pieces. All the pieces are monitored and assigned right inside of ClickUp, keeping everyone informed of the process. It's very important, when you have many people working on the same big project, that you keep things on track and everyone has all the resources that they need, and everything is stored in ClickUp or is linked outside of ClickUp, but you can access it from there, right. So it's all that central hub that we use it for, and those were just two practical uses that we use it for. So I just shared just the two ways, right, that I use ClickUp, and that's really just a service. Those are two examples, but some other things that you could put in there is like daily reminders, mapping out long term projects to keep things on track. You can keep track of revenue in there, due dates, collaborating with your team, forms, dashboards, keeping track of client tasks, so much more. Those are just a few to list off, so I can't help myself, though.


I want to share one more thing with you, and I'm an executive assistant. That is one of the branches of the productivity impact, and so I'm an executive assistant for a client and one of my main tasks with her is to schedule her one-on-one clients over a certain amount of time. So we're talking months, and not everyone wants to schedule what they're doing in August, in March, like who knows? There's so many things that can change. So everything is all in one spot all the client information, all the package details and what sessions need to be scheduled, and then this part, reminder tasks for when it's time to actually schedule the next round of sessions. And then this keeps me organized as her executive assistant just as much as it can any other business owner.


I've seen ClickUp used in so many different ways because of its customization. You can do what works for you and your brain, and that's actually what I love to say is we're going to create systems that work for your brain, so that way, you actually want to use them and they feel good using them. So it has so many capabilities that are very custom, yes, and they grow with you as you either scale from a solo prenuer to maybe having a team or a VA, or if you already have a team and you really wanting to get your team organized, this is a great way to be able to do that. Or even if I said great, you're scheduling a bunch of clients and you're losing your mind and you don't have an executive assistant, this would be a great way to start keeping track of those things by yourself. Depending on where you are in business, it grows with you. I hope you understand that.


So here's my question for you why aren't you using ClickUp? That's what I want you to answer. Ok, that was a similar question someone asked me when I said I hated ClickUp. They asked me why that was after trying 40 plus other project management systems. My answer was why I said I hated ClickUp and didn't want to use it Was it's overwhelming and complicating and I needed something simple.


Now here was the epiphany I had, yet all the simple in quotes here project management tools weren't cutting it with the workload that I was actually carrying. I needed more and I wasn't acknowledging it. Ooh, does that sound like you? Maybe you do need more and you're not acknowledging it. Side note just because you don't acknowledge a problem exists does not mean it doesn't exist. If organization is a problem for you, we need to acknowledge it exists, and then step two is actually getting the support you need to actually help get more organized right.


So let's just say that this fellow business owner, when she asked me that, it got me questioning everything. She got me questioning why am I not using ClickUp? So why are you not using ClickUp. So here I am telling you why I love ClickUp and why I recommend it so often. Now are there other project management tools out there that can do these things? Absolutely, there are plenty, and ClickUp is the only one of the tools that I use in my business for task management, but it's not the only one that I use period.


You can't run everything in your entire business literally inside of ClickUp, but it can support the main hub of it. But ClickUp acts as a central hub, right, it can act as a central hub for all the business operations. So let's say it this way it keeps me sane when I'm overwhelmed, incredibly busy, and when I get to delegate to the team. It all flows like a well-oiled machine, and that is what I need from a task management system or project management system. They're similar. They can be interchangeable in a sense too.


So if you don't like ClickUp or you're not interested in this, let me just tell you. You probably aren't still listening. So if you are still listening, ask yourself why? Why aren't you using ClickUp? And then I want you to send me a DM and let's have a chat about getting you a ClickUp VIP week. Because I'm so passionate about this because the success I've seen for me actually coming into businesses and sending out ClickUp or simply reorganizing existing ClickUp have genuinely been incredible.


To hear Like it lights me up. I love it. I'm super passionate about it Because it's something I absolutely love to do and it's also supporting fellow business owners in staying more organized. And because you're more organized, that means you have more free time, you're more efficient and you're getting back to connecting with clients. You're getting back to what you truly love to do instead of trying to figure out what in the world, where in the world that thing went and what in the world am I gonna do tomorrow. You have a plan or you have a space where the plan is kept and you can go straight to it, right? So I also want to end this episode with stay tuned for the big announcement next week. All right, there's gonna be a big fun announcement, so make sure you tune in next week, but in the meantime, I want you to grab a ClickUp VIP week. All right, hit.