Streamlined CEO

What Should You Delegate to a Virtual Assistant

Karalee Gault Season 2 Episode 4

Are you feeling the relentless pressure of a mounting task list? Let's unlock the secret to a more efficient workflow and a balanced life. In the latest episode of our podcast, we delve into the transformative journey of integrating a virtual assistant into your enterprise. With strategic insights and practical advice, we demystify the art of delegation, helping you to navigate which tasks to hand off and which to hold close. Listen in to discover how to free up your time for those high-impact, CEO-level strategies and bid farewell to the stress of daily drudgery.

This episode is a treasure trove for leaders aiming to prevent burnout and reclaim precious hours for forward-thinking pursuits. We tackle the tough questions every CEO wrestles with when welcoming a new virtual team member. How do you decide which responsibilities to delegate? What skills should your virtual assistant bring to the table? And perhaps most crucially, what tasks can you comfortably entrust to another's care? From administrative duties to content creation, we offer actionable examples and equip you with the knowledge to streamline your business operations effectively. Tune in and transform the way you work.

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Hello, hello. Today we are diving into part two of how to bring on a virtual assistant effectively. So where we'll be focusing is on one of the most critical questions faced by CEOs what tasks should you delegate to a virtual assistant? So many CEOs understand the necessity of support, yet they often find themselves uncertain about what tasks to entrust to others, so, consequently, they continue to shoulder the workload themselves. This predicament becomes problematic as responsibilities pile up, leading to overwhelming situations where things inevitably fall through the cracks. Eventually, this pattern leads to a state of burnout, which is a scenario that absolutely no one desires. So, essentially, this leads to a state of burnout, which is a scenario that absolutely no one desires. So, essentially, this leads to a lot of bottlenecks. That means you become the bottleneck when you are not delegating okay, especially as your business is growing. So delegating to a virtual assistant offers several benefits for you as the CEO. Several benefits for you as the CEO. So one of the best things that it allows for you as a CEO is it frees up time to focus on higher priority tasks or the tasks that only you can do right, those things that only are in your brain. The second thing is you can focus on more big picture things and the strategic planning aspects of actually growing your business instead of being like in the weeds. Right, we can delegate those things. And the third thing is that this usually leads to less stress and overwhelm, which leads to a more balanced life, which means when you have a more balanced life, it means you're happier and business is growing. Personal life is good all of those fun things right. So whether or not you're a seasoned delegator is good, all of those fun things right.


So whether or not you're a seasoned delegator or if you're new to this whole process, there are consistent questions to noodle on each time you bring on a new team member, all right. Has anyone heard like the whole noodling on things? Like it's just something I like to say, like pondering, thinking you know what we're going to noodle on these things All right, every time you bring on a new team member. So the first one is what are tasks that I can show a virtual assistant how to do? Okay, some of them they might already know, but what is something that you're comfortable with sharing and showing to a virtual assistant if you were to hire someone on? The second thing is is what skills or software experience do I prefer my virtual assistant to have? This is huge because this can help with the learning curve. It could be the difference between 30 minutes of training and three hours of training, all right.


And the third thing is is what am I willing to trust with someone else to do for me? What am I willing to trust someone else to do for me? This one's a huge one. What are you really able to like kind of let it go and, you know, maybe just audit it at the end, make sure things are good, but you're not micromanaging the process. What are you good with entrusting to someone else to do? So?


There's those three questions that you need to ask yourself every time you're bringing on a new team member. So one was what are tasks that I can share effectively? Number one was what are tasks that I can show a virtual assistant how to do? Number two what skills or software experience do I prefer my virtual assistant to have? And number three what am I willing to trust someone else to do for me? All right, but what tasks can you actually delegate? That's probably the next question. You're like okay, great, like I can answer those questions.


Could you give me a starting point, because the possibilities are endless, so I could totally get where you're coming from, but here are just a few examples. Some of the biggest things that I see a lot of people outsourcing are administrative tasks right, these are like managing emails, scheduling appointments, organizing files, uploading video calls, things like that. Another thing is like content creation right, repurposing content, writing blog posts, editing videos. These are things that you absolutely do not have to do because there's resources available that you already have created that you're going to be able to give to a virtual assistant to help support you. All right, and those are just a few examples, and if you want a more comprehensive list, be sure to grab the PDF that's available in the show notes, so that way, you can get a more in-depth list of tasks that you can delegate to a virtual assistant, all right.


So here's another thing SOPs right, standard operating procedures. While they're great to have in place to expedite this process, especially the onboarding process, it's not mandatory, although, like I said, it will expedite the process. But, alternativelyly, you can opt to teach your processes directly to your virtual assistant and have them documented for future reference. Okay, no one likes to write SOPs, okay, unless you're that one or two people. I do know a few people that like to write SOPs. I like to write SOPs for other people. I do not like to write SOPs. I like to write SOPs for other people. I do not like to write SOPs for myself. That's the hashtag ADHD in me that's happening here, but that's okay. So you can. Those are two ways to do it have the SOPs already written and have your virtual assistant follow them. Or, alternatively, you can teach your virtual assistant how to do all the things, which will ultimately take more time after the fact, and then they can document them to reference it for future use.


Right, and we're going to like if you missed last week's episode, I highly recommend you taking a listen, because we covered the essential preparations required for bringing on a virtual assistant, like those SOPs. We actually didn't cover that, but SOPs are great to have and, the spoiler alert though, this is the three things we covered Having a task management system, communication system and a well thought out action plan for the quarter, and this significantly streamlines the process, all along with those SOPs that I just mentioned. Okay, so there you have it Delegation made easier. No-transcript.