Streamlined CEO

Outsource Your Podcast Growth? 5 Signs It's Time!

July 02, 2024 Karalee Gault Season 2 Episode 15
Outsource Your Podcast Growth? 5 Signs It's Time!
Streamlined CEO
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Streamlined CEO
Outsource Your Podcast Growth? 5 Signs It's Time!
Jul 02, 2024 Season 2 Episode 15
Karalee Gault

Should You Outsource Your Podcast Strategy or Support?

This episode explores the pros and cons of outsourcing your podcast strategy or support. Learn key signs that indicate outsourcing might be the right move for you, and discover how it can free up your time, enhance quality, and facilitate growth.

3 Key Takeaways:

  • Assess Your Needs: Before outsourcing, consider if you're drowning in details, your expertise lies elsewhere, and if your budget allows for additional investment.
  • Benefits Beyond Time Savings: Outsourcing offers fresh perspectives, quality enhancement, and scalability for your podcast.
  • Successful Collaboration is Key: Clear communication and managing expectations are crucial for a smooth outsourcing experience.

Feeling overwhelmed by podcast production tasks? Explore streamlining your workflow with our editing and repurposing services!  Inquire for support HERE.

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Show Notes Transcript

Should You Outsource Your Podcast Strategy or Support?

This episode explores the pros and cons of outsourcing your podcast strategy or support. Learn key signs that indicate outsourcing might be the right move for you, and discover how it can free up your time, enhance quality, and facilitate growth.

3 Key Takeaways:

  • Assess Your Needs: Before outsourcing, consider if you're drowning in details, your expertise lies elsewhere, and if your budget allows for additional investment.
  • Benefits Beyond Time Savings: Outsourcing offers fresh perspectives, quality enhancement, and scalability for your podcast.
  • Successful Collaboration is Key: Clear communication and managing expectations are crucial for a smooth outsourcing experience.

Feeling overwhelmed by podcast production tasks? Explore streamlining your workflow with our editing and repurposing services!  Inquire for support HERE.

Have a question, want to chat with Karalee?
Send a text to (419) 721-6037 and let's chat!

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Follow Karalee and The Productivity Impact all over the web!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the Streamlined CEO Podcast. I'm your host, cara Lee, and I have a question for you today to get us started. Have you been thinking about launching a podcast, but it keeps getting put on the back burner because the tech overwhelms you and you have zero time. All right, introducing our podcast VIP Week, where I help you set up and be ready to launch your podcast in one week. There's no more excuses. Podcasts are very powerful and can be used in so many ways to support you and your business, to make more money and more impact. Make your podcast your summer growth engine. All right, head to the show notes, sign up for your podcast VIP week and let's get started. All right.

Speaker 1:

So today, though, I'm diving into a time-saving superpower for busy podcasters. Content repurposing from your podcast. Okay, you spend hours crafting these amazing episodes, so wouldn't it be awesome to get even more out of them? Of course it would like. That's a no brainer. Today we are exploring the strategic repurposing, where you transform your podcast content into a content machine that fuels your social media, your website and attracts new listeners, which means more revenue for you in the future, right? So the first up, we have the repurposing powerhouse of the transcript, the mighty transcript right? It's the foundation for so many other content formats. Transcripts make your podcast accessible for one to hearing impaired listeners and those that prefer to read, and they also unlock some SEO magic. All right, search engines love fresh content and your transcript provides valuable keywords that can draw in new listeners. Ok, so that's just one way we can take turn this podcast into a content machine. We can use our transcript for SEO purposes, but also to create other content forms, right. So here are some content forms that we can use, and we can start with the transcript as well. So, from podcast to a blog post All right, so we're speaking of the SEO aspect of this. Transcripts can be easily transformed into blog posts. Ok, you can extract key takeaways, insightful quotes or maybe even some interesting points from your episode, so you can use the transcript as a roadmap to create a compelling written piece that expands on the podcast content. So this not only increases your online presence, but it also drives traffic back to your podcast.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so there's two ways. We can use our transcript to literally turn it into a blog post, and if you are using any sort of AI, you can actually use AI to help you with this because tell it, to use your own words so you're taking the transcript things that you spoke already and we're turning it into another piece of content, right? So social media is another one, right? Because social media loves bite-sized content, and so we're going to be talking about some social media engagement, so we can use our podcast to turn into things like audiograms, right, which can be also some insightful snippets, funny moments or thought-provoking questions. You can turn all these things into bite-sized social media content, so you can use editing tools to create short audio clips, right, like for audiograms. You can use eye-catching visuals as well, and these bite-sized pieces are perfect for platforms like TikTok and Instagram. So this will spark curiosity and drive listeners to your full episode.

Speaker 1:

So make sure that these are really, really good for your audience, depending on what they like, and you might not get it right the very first time. You might have to play around with it for a little bit, but don't give up. Okay, we can turn this podcast into a content machine, all right. So another way that you can turn your podcast into a content machine are quote cards and infographics which are visually captivating to people, right To your listeners, to your followers, things like that. So don't underestimate this part of fun. Visuals, okay. So turn key quotes or statistics from your podcast into visually appealing graphics. You can use tools like Canva, and then you can share these quote cards on social media to grab attention and get your audience thinking and taking action. That's what I hope I do for you when I post these on social media. If you are not following me on social media, go over to Instagram or any platform that you have and follow at the Productivity Impact. Okay. So, beyond the basics of just repurposing so this one's a little bit more advanced. Right, it takes a little bit more time, but if you can edit your podcast, you're going to absolutely do these things too. All right, so we're going to get creative and really, really unleash, like, what you can really do with repurposed content from your podcast.

Speaker 1:

So here are a few ideas that are beyond just your blog post your social media quote card. Right, those ones should be pretty simple, and if they're not, that's okay, we can get support. Right. So we have short videos. Right, we're talking reels, we're talking TikToks, like that's what we're talking about when we say short videos, youtube shorts. Those are some examples.

Speaker 1:

So we're in this way, we can actually show listeners, right, especially if you don't have a video podcast but you film video. This is a great way to actually show them your face and show them you actually recording or doing something, right Viewer, all things like that. So we can take the concepts from our podcast and turn it into some fun little short videos. So this, for example you could take TK key takeaways from your podcast and transform them into a list of goals and short explainer videos. You can, you know, post those on like YouTube Shorts or Instagram Reels, like they love those kind of formats. You can use clear visuals like text overlays and even snippets from your podcast audio, which will create like a summary that makes it enticing for your listeners to actually listen to the full episode. So, like I said before, sometimes this might take a little bit of time, depending on who your audience is and how they interact with you and your content, right, and so it's a fun little, it's a fun little ride, but we can take the podcast and make it like have way more of an impact, right?

Speaker 1:

And another thing that I absolutely love to do as well is carousels. Okay, there's carousels you can put on Facebook, on Instagram, linkedin, and so you could take advantage of the platform, those platforms that allow you to have carousels. So carousel is a multi-slide like a graphic, but it's multiple, right, so it kind of like slides through them and you can have key points on there. They could be infographics you can even have, like, if you do interviews, you could have interview snippets, so everything comes from your podcast, though it could be like a list of things, right. That is very education based. This allows you to actually dig deeper into a topic that is still visually appealing, so it's more engaging when you're swiping through carousels. So I always think of it this way If you like to see it, then maybe your audience likes to see it too. So, personally, I love reels with captions on them. I love carousels, I love the little quote cards, so I'm like, oh man, I really should do that for my audience too, and let's see how they like it as well. So remember, though, this is what it comes down to.

Speaker 1:

Repurposing isn't just about creating more content, all right. It's about being strategic. And being strategic and reaching a wider audience and deepening actual engagement. So you get to tailor your repurpose content to each platform, and then you've got to keep the target audience in mind as well. So this is a way to make a bigger impact with the exact same message and get it across multiple platforms.

Speaker 1:

But the biggest thing is here in the real magic is you can easily save 10 hours a week by doing this. Right, because you're batching. By batching your content, batching your repurposing, so you could batch, record or write scripts for your podcast and then record them. You can batch then your repurposing when you're really in the mood. You know you can dedicate one day, dedicate one day a week to transcribing and brainstorming the repurposed content for multiple episodes. You can then put in place a process to do this each week. Right, that's exactly what I do. But this focused approach can save you 10 hours a week. All right, freeing you up to create even more amazing podcast content or, you know, spending that time with your clients. Whatever it is that you want to do, you want to save the time. This is a great way to be able to save a lot of time.

Speaker 1:

Or you could actually just outsource your podcast production and repurposing and save even more here at the Productivity Impact. We actually do done-for-you podcast production and repurposing services, so you can head to the show notes and either grab your podcasting VIP week, which will be like, do it with you, but you want to run the show, you just want some support to get you started and launching, or you're like I just want someone to do it for me and we also have the done for you services as well. So it depends on where you are in your business and what you desire. So head to the show notes, send me, ask me any questions, all the things Okay. So by by strategically repurposing your content, okay, you can unlock your full potential of your podcast, and that's what I want for you, that's what I want for me, that's what I want for any business owner that I work with, and you can connect with your audience in new, exciting ways. Right, switch it up every once in a while, ask them what they want, and this can also allow you to be super creative. So you can turn your podcast into a content machine by being super creative with it, which also saves you time, grows your audience and you hopefully get to have some fun sharing your knowledge in the process. So I hope to hear from you.

Speaker 1:

Head over to Instagram and send me a DM about what you are excited to do. When, like what are you going to do Right? What are you excited to do when taking your podcast and turning into a content machine Like, what are some of the things that you're excited to really like work on Right? Or are you just literally have a podcast that gets uploaded and it's just audio, all the things like? We can expand on this. We can expand and get a farther reach and really move up that subscriber base to your podcast. Okay, so I will see you next week as we continue to talk all about podcasting and if you need the support, head to the show notes and there are options down there for you and me. Carolee, I would love to be able to support you in any way possible, along with the Productivity Impact team. All right, bye for now.